Ekal Vidyalaya is a movement involved in comprehensive and holistic development of rural and tribal villages in India and in Nepal. The objective of this movement is to impart skills to the youth to make them self-reliant in rural entrepreneurial skills, earn livelihoods in vicinity of their villages and avoid urban migration. CITI has been supporting these grass-root interventions since 2016.

Ekal has set up Eight Gramothan Resource Centres (GRCs) in different remote places in India. The main aim of these GRCs is to make village community economically self-reliant and develop villages as centre of economic activity.
These GRCs serve as resource center for 100 villages, and “Integrated Village Development" (IVD) serves a cluster of 30 villages. Various projects in GRC and IVD promote growth by ‘Ekal Vidyalaya’s’ (One-Teacher Schools), ‘E-Shiksha’ (Online Education), Digital Literacy, Health and Hygiene, Skills Training (Tailoring and Handicraft) Sustainable Eco-friendly Farming using vermin compost and use of organic pesticides.
For more information visit: ekal.org